Sail Through the Alabama Boating Test 2024 – Anchor Your Skills and Cruise with Confidence!

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What should you do to reduce the risk of falling overboard?

Wear bright clothing

Keep centered in the boat

Only stand up if the boat is not moving

To reduce the risk of falling overboard, it is important to stay seated while the boat is moving and only stand up when the boat is not in motion. Wearing bright clothing may make it easier for others to spot you if you do fall overboard, but it does not prevent the risk of falling. Keeping centered in the boat can help with balance, but it is not a foolproof safety measure. Additionally, avoiding choppy water may be helpful in maintaining balance, but it is not always possible to predict and avoid choppy conditions. Therefore, the best option to reduce the risk of falling overboard is to only stand up when the boat is not moving.

Avoid using the vessel in choppy water


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